Inspiration, Success, and Happiness

Specific purpose: to discuss and understand how to succeed and become happy. 

I. Explain the differences between inspiration, success, and happiness.
II. Describe the relationship between inspiration, success, and happiness.
III. Preview the body:
A. Explain how to acquire a positive inspiration.
B. Tell how to be successful.
C. Explain how to reach happiness.

I. How to get a great inspiration:
A. The importance of being positive
B. Imagine your future
C. Set goals to achieve
II. Learn how to be successful:
A. Do something valuable every day
B. Accumulate knowledge and ideas
C. Share your experience with others
III. How to reach happiness:
A. Health
B. Education
C. Love
D. Money
E. Dream.

I. Summarize the main points
II. End with a cartoon illustration
III. Do you have any questions?
IV. Thank you. 

REFERENCES & LINKS,success,goals,selfhelp,motivation,selfimprovement,confidence,positivethinking,coaching,mentoring,procrastination,happiness,career,leadership,entrepreneur,entrepreneurship,inspiration,leadershipbyvalues,promotion,goal,goalsetting,mentor,personalmastery/page:2